Georgia deserved and still deserves EU candidate status, GD chair says
Georgia deserved and still deserves EU candidate status, GD chair says

By any objective assessment of the current situation, the EU candidate status belonged to Georgia then and belongs to the country now, naturally and uncontestedly, said the Georgian Dream party chair, Irakli Kobakhidze.

Kobakhidze emphasized that the Hungarian government, particularly Prime Minister Orban, has been crystal clear in supporting Georgia’s candidacy.

“Prime Minister Orban personally addressed this matter, saying everyone was surprised when Georgia was not granted the candidate status last year. Objectively, Georgia deserved the status last year, the same as this year. By any objective assessment of the current situation, the EU candidate status belonged to Georgia then and belongs to the country now, naturally and uncontestedly. Consequently, there is hope that a positive decision will be made in Georgia’s favour next week,” Kobakhidze declared.