GD MP views OSCE/ODIHR opinion as dictated by UNM narrative
GD MP views OSCE/ODIHR opinion as dictated by UNM narrative

“How can the OSCE/ODIHR opinion be called objective if its co-author is Mikheil Saakashvili’s attorney, who represented him in Strasbourg against Georgia,” said Rati Ionatamishvili, the ruling Georgian Dream (GD) party MP.

According to the GD MP, the opinion is dictated by the UNM narrative and has no credibility.

“I said several days ago that the European Council prepared the opinion at the order of Saakashvili’s attorney. Now, it turns out that this person is the co-author of the OSCE/ODIHR opinion. Saakashvili’s failed attorney represented him in Strasbourg against Georgia but lost in all cases. How can this opinion be objective? The credibility of this document is questionable because it is influenced by the UNM narrative.

When opinions are ordered to be drafted by Saakashvili’s attorney, in fact, against Georgia, does it mean fair game rules playing? This opinion is biased, not objective,” he said.

The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) on May 30 published its opinion on Georgia’s newly approved law On Transparency of Foreign Influence, saying the law contains “serious deficiencies that make it incompatible with international human rights standards and the country’s commitments as an OSCE state, and it should be rescinded.”