GD MP Mikanadze says disagreement in UNM deepens daily
GD MP Mikanadze says disagreement in UNM deepens daily

Ruling Georgian Dream party MP Givi Mikanadze believes a disagreement in the United National Movement (UNM) opposition party is “deepening daily.”

“Now we see the controversy that stems from financial issues,” GD MP said, noting that UNM leader Nika Melia “openly,” said during a live interview that Davit Kezerashvili [wanted ex-defence minister] was “unacceptable for politics, personally unacceptable to him [Melia].”

“The UNM is once again split into different units. In reality, we see that this party is focused only on finances, narrow party interests and somehow returning and capturing power”, Mikanadze asserted.

In an interview with GPB First Channel, Melia said, “the further Kezerashvili is from Georgia’s political spectrum, the better it is for him, and the country.”

Later, Droa’s Elene Khoshtaria posted on Facebook saying her party would continue to partner with Kezerashvili.

Davit Kezerashvili, Georgia’s former defense minister under the UNM government has been on the run since 2012, shortly after the parliamentary elections when the Georgian Dream party beat the UNM.

Five separate proceedings were launched against him back in 2012, linked to money laundering, embezzlement, corruption, and abuse of authority.