Freedom House Report Describes New Methods of Media Repression
Freedom House Report Describes New Methods of Media Repression

A new report by Freedom House finds that leaders are using new methods for repressing independent journalism around the world.

The United States-based group released its “Freedom and the Media 2019” report on Wednesday. It says attacks on press freedom have come from “an unexpected source” — leaders of countries with traditionally free media environments.

Freedom House called American President Donald Trump’s public criticism of the press “perhaps the most concerning development of recent years.” The report says, “Among other steps, the president has repeatedly threatened to strengthen libel laws, revoke the licenses of certain broadcasters, and damage media owners’ other business interests.”

The U.S. Constitution, the report notes, strongly protects against such actions. Yet, it argues that Trump’s public comments have had a clear effect on the worldwide media environment.

Freedom House also describes worsening press conditions in several European countries, including Hungary and Serbia. Leaders of both countries have taken steps to make sure that media with the widest reach support the government and criticize any possible opponents.