Former president to make talk show
Former president to make talk show

Former president of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili plans to make a talk show on one of the TV channels. Ex-president responded to a journalist’s question on his involvement in a pre-election campaign.

“Many people arrive, among them politicians, others are ordinary persons. They will sit next to me. I will talks to them about problems. We will set the goals how to overcome difficulties. We will lead the campaign in all cities.

I contact many channels, speak to those who need my advice. The majority does not need my advice because they know what they are doing and I back it. Ivanishvili (former GD Chair) will receive serious surprises. But there will be no pleasant surprises. These will be surprises that a dictator will receive, someone who insulted Constitution, nationality, pride and everything Georgian.

Ivanishvili is an enemy of the church. He hates Patriarch, national values, everything that is connected to the dignity of Georgians. He wants a Georgian to be a collector of cabbage or strawberries in other countries. I want proud, strong and rich Georgia,” Saakashvili claimed.