First Vice-Speaker disagrees with EU Ambassador on putting Georgia’s EU accession on hold
First Vice-Speaker disagrees with EU Ambassador on putting Georgia’s EU accession on hold

“The European Union and the US should not be angry with Georgia for requiring transparency from the non-governmental sector,” said Gia Volski, First Vice-Speaker remarking on the statements of EU Ambassador to Georgia Paweł Herczyński.

According to Gia Volski, perhaps there are misunderstandings and different viewpoints on transparency but there is no other topic of tension.

“When the European Union makes such a statement only because we couraged to start speaking about transparency, I don’t think this characterizes the EU side with the signs for which we want to join the EU. It is about other things, other values which Herczyński is speaking about and other values, for which we aspire at EU.

Taking 30 million away from military programs and transferring it to the sector that does not want to spend this 30 million transparently, damages the authority of the European Union. We care about preserving stability and Georgia’s not dragging into a war. Such preconditions will be created if radicalism succeeds, the process that we have seen in Tbilisi streets.

The European Union and the US should not be angry with Georgia for requiring transparency from the non-governmental sector. Intensive rok and consultations are going on. I believe this will resolve shortly,” Volski said.

EU Ambassador to Georgia Paweł Herczyński said that Georgia’s EU accession “has been put on hold.” He also reported that the EU had frozen its support for Georgia from the European Peace Facility – EURO 30 million for 2024.