EU's Borrell: Georgia's 'Foreign Agents' Law incompatible with European aspirations
EU's Borrell: Georgia's 'Foreign Agents' Law incompatible with European aspirations

European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell stated that the ‘Foreign Agents’ law does not align with Georgia’s European aspirations.

“We are strongly concerned by the ‘Foreign Agents’ law. This certainly does not make Georgia to be on the European path, and we have been telling them, but on the other hand, we have to be very careful not to hurt their national feelings. This is something we have to use ‘soft language’, but at the same time a clear position to respect what is compatible and what is not with the European path. On Georgia with respect to this law.

But there are other countries that are not aligning with the EU’s foreign policy, for example, Serbia. It has a very low rate of aligning with the foreign policy of the European Union, and this is something that should also be remarked on. If you want to be a member of the EU, you have to align on the rule of law, freedom and the foreign policy positions,” Joseph Borrell stated.