European politicians express concern as parliament overrides veto on Foreign Influence Law
European politicians express concern as parliament overrides veto on Foreign Influence Law

The decision of the Georgian Parliament to override the President’s veto on the Transparency of Foreign Influence law has sparked reactions from European politicians, expressing concern over its implications for Georgia’s European integration prospects.

Gabrielius Landsbergis, Lithuania’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, took to social media to express his disappointment, calling it “A very sad day for Georgia and the rest of Europe. The passing of this law effectively puts Georgia’s accession to the EU on hold, with no benefit for anybody. Almost anybody.”

“A sad day for Georgia and Europe. The Georgian Parliament has overridden the President’s veto on ‘foreign agent law’. I stand with all Georgians fighting peacefully for freedom, democracy and dignity. Don’t forget: „When they go low, we go high.“ Don’t give up. Elections come soon,” Michael Roth, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the German Parliament, wrote on social network.

Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs voiced concern: “Georgian Dream’s overruling of veto on “foreign agents law” a clear signal: EU integration is not a key priority for the government. We hope to see Georgia join the European family of independent democracies and stand by the Georgian people in their wish for a European future for their country.”

“”Despite popular opposition and international appeals, Georgia’s ruling party has today passed the foreign agent law to silence opposition, media and NGOs. Unless the ruling party changes its course of action, Georgia will not advance on path to EU membership,” the Danish Foreign Ministry stated.

“We are dismayed by Georgia’s Parliament’s choice not to use the historic opportunity to move on with the European integration and to leave its people in the enlargement waiting room for indefinite future,” Margus Tsahkna, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, wrote.

“The Georgian people overwhelmingly want to join the EU. But the law on foreign influence transparency goes against core principles and values of the EU, negatively impacting Georgia’s EU path. We’re considering all options and urge the government to recommit to the EU aspirations,” wrote Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission.

The European Council decided in December to grant Georgia candidate status on the understanding that Georgia undertakes the relevant steps and necessary democratic reforms. The adoption of the transparency law in the parliament is a step backward and takes Georgia further away from its EU path. The Georgian people have clearly chosen a future in the EU and we will do everything to support their ambitions. For this reason, I will add Georgia to the agenda of the next EUCO.” Charles Michel, the president of the European Council, remarked on social media.

The Georgian Parliament has overridden the President’s veto on the Transparency of Foreign Influence law.