EU not to recognize so-called parliamentary elections in occupied Abkhazia, Ambassador Hartzell says
EU not to recognize so-called parliamentary elections in occupied Abkhazia, Ambassador Hartzell says

The European Union does not recognize the so-called parliamentary elections and the constitutional and legal framework in which they took place in Georgia’s occupied Abkhazia region, said EU Ambassador to Georgia, Carl Hartzell.

“The European Union supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Georgia, as recognized by international law.

With regard to the so-called parliamentary elections that took place in the Georgian breakaway region of Abkhazia on 12 March 2022, we recall that the European Union does not recognize the constitutional and legal framework in which they took place.

The EU will continue to pursue its policy of non-recognition and engagement. The EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the Crisis in Georgia remains fully mobilized in this regard,” EU Ambassador said.

So-called parliamentary elections were held in Georgia’s occupied Abkhazia region on March 12. There are 35 sits in Abkhazia’s de-facto parliament. A total of 123 candidates took part in the polls competing for MP mandates.