EU leaders urge Commission to submit its opinions on EU membership applications of Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia
EU leaders urge Commission to submit its opinions on EU membership applications of Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia

European Union leaders, who met on March 10 in Versailles on the Russian military aggression against Ukraine, urged the European Commission to submit its opinions on EU membership applications of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia without delay.

In a 5-point joint statement, the EU leaders said that two weeks ago, Russia brought war back to Europe. The war inflicts unspeakable suffering to the Ukrainian population.

“Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified military aggression against Ukraine grossly violates international law and the principles of the UN Charter and undermines European and global security and stability,” the statement said.

EU leaders hold Russia and its accomplice Belarus fully responsible for the war and claim that those responsible will be held to account for their crimes, including for indiscriminately targeting civilians and civilian objects.

Heads of EU member states, called on the Commission to submit its opinion on Ukraine’s application for EU membership without delay to “further strengthen our bonds and deepen our partnership to support Ukraine in pursuing its European path.”

“Ukraine belongs to our European family,” EU leaders said in the statement and also invited the Commission to submit its opinions on the applications of Moldova and Georgia.