EU Ambassador: It is up to Georgia to decide what relations it wants with what countries
EU Ambassador: It is up to Georgia to decide what relations it wants with what countries

“We consider China to be a very important, even indispensable partner on a global stage. But at the same time, we try to de-risk from the influence of China and not to make our economy dependent on China,” said EU Ambassador to Georgia, Pawel Herczynski.

According to Pawel Herczynski, it is up to Georgia and Georgians to “decide what relations Georgia wants to have with what countries.”

“I will, of course not comment on the statement of my US counterpart. What I can say is that the European Union has a mutually beneficial relationship with China. This relationship extends through trade to many other areas like climate change. We consider China to be a very important, even indispensable partner on a global stage. But at the same time, we try to de-risk from the influence of China and not to make our economy dependent on China,” he said.