EU Ambassador: Fighting anti-Western propaganda priority number one among nine steps
EU Ambassador: Fighting anti-Western propaganda priority number one among nine steps

EU Ambassador to Georgia Paweł Herczyński on Thursday said, “Fighting anti-Western propaganda is priority number one among nine steps.”

Herczyński expressed hope that “statements, that of course are completely groundless, will not be repeated.” “One of those statements is accusing us of supporting terrorism or financing terrorism.”

“We have heard some really troubling statements coming from the highest official representing Georgia, including accusations of us, European Union, sponsoring terrorism in Georgia, of us, European Union oppressing Georgia, comparing European Union to the Soviet Union, those statements make me very sad. I, after two years, nearly two years in Georgia, fully understand that a political discourse in Georgia is very emotional.

I also understand as we all know that we are already in electoral campaign. I try not to take those statements in an excalatory way. But what I’m really worried [about] is that those statements are also heard in EU capitals, and many politicians in Brussels and in other EU capitals, simply do not understand what is going on and why such absurd, and harmful for EU Georgia relations statements are repeated by highest representatives of the Georgia state. As we all know, fighting anti-Western propaganda is priority number one among nine steps,” the EU Ambassador stated.

Herczyński said the EU was “proud of all our development assistance that for many years we have implemented here in Georgia, always working very closely with Georgian governments.”

“If you go to our webpage, you will see a place where you can click projects, please do it, then you will be directed to a specially dedicated webpage – – where you can find every detail about every Euro that has been spent in Georgia. You can put it as a regional, you can put it as only for Georgia, you can put it according to different areas like agriculture, environmental protection, and so on. You will have full information about the projects that have been already concluded, about the projects that are ongoing, and about the projects that are in the pipeline.

So, on our side, always full transparency, and full dedication to supporting Georgia, growing stronger, becoming a better place for ordinary Georgian citizens. And this is not only about European Union finance projects, but also about the project finance bilaterally by our member states,” the EU Ambassador added.