Enlargement to be more question of will and delivery than dates, EU Commissioner says
Enlargement to be more question of will and delivery than dates, EU Commissioner says

Oliver Varhelyi, EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement has emphasized that the enlargement of the European Union is not solely a matter of dates, but rather hinges on the commitment and mutual efforts of both the EU and the partner countries.

Responding to a question about the statement made by European Council President Charles Michel, who proposed the EU should be prepared to admit new member states by 2030, Varhelyi stressed that this was not about adhering to a strict timeline but about a collective determination to achieve the necessary criteria and objectives.

“If this is a message from the Council that the Council wants to finally take a big leap to make enlargement happen, this is welcome news. Of course, the European Commission is always ready to make any proposal that would lead us there. I don’t think this is a question of dates. I think this is more a question of will and, of course, delivery, delivery on the side of the EU, and on the side of our partner countries in the Western Balkans or the other three candidate countries.

The Commission is ready to make any proposal to get there. You will see this already in October, when we want to put substantive proposals, including the growth plan that the President has already explained in Bratislava, that we will accelerate not only the institutional but also the real integration of people and economies into the European Union,” Oliver Varhelyi stated.