Economy Minister: Georgia continues EU integration, values US partnership
Economy Minister: Georgia continues EU integration, values US partnership

Levan Davitashvili, the Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development, assured that the country’s European integration process remains ongoing and aligned with the obligations under the DCFTA (Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement).

He emphasized that Georgia continues to adapt its legislation and policies to meet EU standards, which is a key step toward eventual EU membership.

“The process of European integration is complex and includes many directions. We follow the process from our side. Any perceived delays might be due to ongoing adjustments or revisions on the EU’s side, not a halt in Georgia’s efforts.

I hope that with our consistent policy, as we have repeatedly shown to the public, including the international community, we will convince our partners that Georgia deserves to be a member of the European Union,” said Levan Davitashvili.

Regarding US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s recent statement about suspending $95 million in aid to Georgia, Davitashvili stated he had no specific details about the assistance.

The minister emphasized that Georgia values its partnership with the US and will continue to deepen cooperation with Western allies.