Civil activists yell at OSCE EU Integration Programme Manager at Tbilisi airport
Civil activists yell at OSCE EU Integration Programme Manager at Tbilisi airport

Civil activists yelled at Ivane Chkhikvadze, EU Integration Programme Manager at Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF), at the Tbilisi International Airport.

The civil activists thus expressed their protest against Ivane Chkhikvadze’s speech in the US Congress about democracy backsliding in Georgia and the Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence as the government’s tool of repressions against their opponents and their persecution. Ivane Chkhikvadze did not give any comments to reporters about his US visit.

At the hearing Supporting Georgia’s Sovereignty and Democracy, Natalie Sabanadze, former Head of the Georgian Mission to the European Union, and Ivane Chkhikvadze, EU Integration Programme Manager at Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF), reported to the Helsinki Commission in the US Congress on June 4.