CEC to conduct compliance audit of electronic voting technologies ahead of October 2024 elections
CEC to conduct compliance audit of electronic voting technologies ahead of October 2024 elections

The Central Election Commission (CEC) plans to conduct a comprehensive audit of the electronic voting technologies before the elections scheduled for October 26, 2024.

According to the CEC, the audit will be carried out by PRO V&V, an election systems testing laboratory based in the United States and accredited by reputable institutions. This laboratory was selected following a rigorous procedural evaluation.

The compliance audit will be conducted in three stages:
The first stage involves analyzing software updates to determine their compliance with Georgian election legislation. The second stage includes observing the process of hardware preparation for the elections and assessing the accuracy of the files required for system configuration. The third and final stage will entail monitoring the voting process on election day.

“The results of the compliance audit must be documented in a report that will be publicly accessible to all interested parties, similar to last year,” noted the CEC.

In a previous instance, the CEC conducted a compliance audit of the electronic voting systems used in the October 1, 2023 elections, and the results were shared with the public. This initiative enhanced transparency and addressed various questions, myths, and concerns within the community.

Election legislation mandates the auditing of elections conducted using electronic means adhering to the principle of a paper trail. This principle ensures that a paper trail exists at all stages of the election process, allowing for verification, tracking, and oversight.

Furthermore, as stipulated by law, ballots will undergo manual counting before the official results are announced.

In line with international best practices, the CEC is proactively conducting this second audit to eliminate any uncertainties surrounding the technologies used.

The election administration reaffirms its commitment to providing voters with information on election matters and ensuring operations align with the highest standards of international election administration practices,” stated the CEC.