CEC assigns electoral numbers for October parliamentary elections
CEC assigns electoral numbers for October parliamentary elections

Georgia’s Central Election Commission (CEC) has determined the ballot numbers of electoral subjects participating in the parliamentary elections scheduled for October 26, 2024.

“The process was conducted during a live broadcast session, ensuring transparency and allowing all interested parties, including local and international observers, to follow the proceedings,” the CEC stated.

According to CEC, the Commission determined the ordinal numbers for the candidates both by drawing lots and based on the information provided based on the statements submitted by the respective parties within the deadlines defined by the legislation (July 17 at the latest).

Here are the assigned electoral numbers for the candidates: # 1 – Yes to Europe – Strategy Agmashenebeli; # 2 – European Georgia – Movement for freedom; # 3 – Party for Unity and Development of Georgia # 4 – New Unity – Gvaramia, Melia; # 5 – United National Movement; # 6 – European Democrats of Georgia; # 7 – Aleko Elisashvili – Citizens; # 8 – Alliance of Georgian Patriots; # 9 – Lelo for Georgia; # 10 – Labor Party of Georgia; # 11 – Republican Party of Georgia; # 12 – Our United Georgia; # 13 – Social Democratic Party of Georgia; # 14 – The Third Way; # 15 – For Justice; # 16 – Change Georgia; # 17 – Georgia; # 18 – Progress and Freedom; # 19 – Alliance of Democrats; # 20 – Free Georgia; # 21 – Tribune; # 22 – Law and Justice; # 23 – Free choice – New Alternative; # 24 -Party of Greens; # 25 – Gakharia for Georgia; # 26 – Left Alliance; # 27 – Georgian Unity; # 36 – New Political Center; # 41 – Georgian Dream – Democratic Georgia; # 48 – Ana Dolidze – For People.