Bolt Food responds to delivery agents protest
Bolt Food responds to delivery agents protest

Bolt Food responded to a protest rally held by its delivery agents on Friday. The company vows it spares no effort to offer its runners the best support and payments terms.

Bolt Food stressed that the minimum pay for partner couriers is 50% higher than other delivery services on the market.

“Partner couriers are employed under partnership agreement which allows them to elaborate their work schedule on the Bolt Food platform. The Partnership Agreement also regulates changes to the remuneration system. Their accounts were blocked due to the recent activities that disrupted the service working. The company will strongly respond to any organised attempt that may disrupt the business operations of Bolt Food or its partner restaurants,” the company said in a statement.

Earlier this week, the Bolt Food delivery agents rallied in the Georgian capital Tbilisi for better work conditions. They apply to Public Defender’s Office to take an interest in their problem. Wolt and Glovo delivery agents joined the rally in solidarity.