Ambassador Herczyński: Georgia's EU accession on hold 
Ambassador Herczyński: Georgia's EU accession on hold 

“Unfortunately, for the moment, Georgia’s EU accession has been put on hold. I sincerely hope that after the elections in Georgia in October, the newly-formed government, whoever forms the government, will restart serious work towards EU integration,” said EU Ambassador to Georgia Paweł Herczyński.

“On the 27th of June, exactly 10 days ago, the EU leaders, EU leaders, presidents and prime ministers met in Brussels. They have taken several very important decisions. They have agreed on the next strategy agenda for the European Union. They have agreed on the names of the next EU leaders. They also reaffirmed our strong commitment to defend Ukraine. Unfortunately, for me, it is said that to say but they also agreed to stop Georgia’s accession to the European Union. This has been clearly stated in the European Council’s conclusions. Please, read them carefully, there are only several paragraphs.

According to the EU Ambassador, the EU leaders are unclear about the intentions of the current Georgian authorities and the Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence. Paweł Herczyński said, “This is a clear backsliding in the 9 steps, and also anti-western, anti-European rhetoric is incompatible with the stated aim of joining the European Union.”

“The EU leaders are unclear about the intentions of the current Georgian authorities and the Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence. This is a clear backsliding in the 9 steps, the rhetoric is also anti-western, anti-European and incompatible with the stated aim of joining the European Union

“So, unfortunately, for the moment, Georgia’s EU accession has been put on hold. This is really sad and heartbreaking because, at the same time, we are moving fast forward with other candidate countries. As you know, the day after that decision, the EU opened negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova. I sincerely hope that after the elections in Georgia in October, the newly-formed government, whoever forms the government, will restart serious work towards EU integration,” he said.

Paweł Herczyński noted that it is up to Georgia and Georgians if Georgia will be a part of the EU’s next enlargement.

“Georgia has been granted the status of a candidate country for EU membership. This decision was taken by unanimity by all EU member states in December of the last year. Georgia is a candidate country for the EU membership. However, how quickly Georgia will become a member of the European Union only depends on Georgians themselves.

Unfortunately, recent decisions taken by the Georgian parliament, as well as an insignificant process with 9 steps have resulted in the EU leaders’ deciding to put Georgia’s accession process on hold. The EU leaders are unclear about the true intentions of the current Georgian authorities. Everything can still change, but time is running out. Other countries are moving fast forward. Ukraine and Moldova have just opened accession negotiations. The next EU big enlargement will happen and it only depends on Georgia and Georgians if Georgia will be a part of that,” he said.

Tbilisi hosts a 2-day conference “EU Enlargement: A geopolitical necessity and the next steps for the EU Candidate States.”

EU has frozen its support for Georgia from the European Peace Facility – EURO 30 million for 2024, EU leaders decided at the last European Council meeting.