Agriculture Minister visits Geo Flower plant in Akhaltsikhe
Agriculture Minister visits Geo Flower plant in Akhaltsikhe

The Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture, Otar Shamugia visited the fruit and medicinal plant processing plant of the company “Geo Flower” in the village of Klde, Akhaltsikhe municipality.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, “Geo Flower” LLC is a beneficiary of the Rural Development Agency. The company has benefited from the Preferential Agrocredit project and was involved in the program promoting the sale of non-standard apple crops last year.

The enterprise in the village of Klde, Akhaltsikhe municipality, can dry and process two tons of medicinal herbs and five tons of fruit tea per day. The enterprise has implemented the ISO 22000 food safety management system. Employing 200 seasonal and 40 permanent workers, the enterprise primarily exports its products to EU countries and Turkey under the brand Monti.