​GD Chair views EP resolution as impertinent interference in internal affairs 
​GD Chair views EP resolution as impertinent interference in internal affairs 

“Patron lobbyists of our radical and bankrupt opposition draft such anti-Georgian, anti-state resolutions with their support that serve as yet another demonstration of impertinent interference in our country’s internal affairs,” said Irakli Gharibashvili, Chair of the ruling Georgian Dream (GD) party.

The GD Chair reminded that the European Parliament adopted a similar “shameful” resolution 2 years ago.

“Fortunately or unfortunately, this was not the first or final resolution. We have seen many such unfair draft resolutions. You remember that 2 years ago when our country was denied the candidate country status, a similar text with the same messages was adopted urging to sanction Ivanishvili, release Saakashvili and Kezerashvili was mentioned as a media manager.

Now we see that the patron lobbyists of our radical and bankrupt opposition draft such anti-Georgian, anti-state resolutions with their support that serve as yet another demonstration of impertinent interference in our country’s internal affairs,” Gharibashvili said.

Fourteen members of the European Parliament have prepared a draft resolution on Georgia, which, among other demands, calls for sanctions against Russia, sanctioning Ivanishvili and other individuals, the release of Saakashvili, and the repeal of the law on family values. The draft is titled “On the backsliding of democracy and threats to political pluralism in Georgia.”