Tag: World

Armenian citizens to travel visa-free to China
Reporters Without Borders - 49 journalists killed, 389 currently imprisoned
Germany simplifies rules of legal employment for non-EU citizens starting March of 2020
President of Ukraine arrives in Azerbaijan with an official visit
Amnesty International says more than 300 killed in Iran protest crackdown
Turkish parliament may pass a resolution on the genocide of Indians in America 
Kremlin Spokesman - Putin and Zelensky are far from reaching an agreement
Anti-government demonstrations in Beirut
UNESCO removes Belgian carnival from heritage list due to anti-Semitic float
Turkey slams US Senate 'Armenia genocide' vote
Prime Minister of Armenia welcomes Resolution on Armenian Genocide
Boris Johnson Secures a Convincing U.K. Election Win
Turkish Foreign Minister - If sanctions are imposed on Turkey, the Incirlik and Kurecik airbases will be brought to the agenda
Suicide bomber hits medical facility near US airbase in Afghanistan
The U.S imposed sanctions on Aslan Iraskhanov
Normandy Four leaders adopted communique following Summit in Paris
Germany calls out Russia after Zelimkhan Khangoshvili murder
Finnish Sanna Marin is the world's youngest PM
The Normandy Four to be held today
'Between Trump and Putin': Ukraine’s President first hit cover of Time