Tag: World

NATO suspends training activities in Iraq
Only one person died on Oslo’s roads in 2019
Josep Borrell - Ongoing escalation threatens the whole region
Donald Trump says US 'acted to stop a war' by killing Iranian general Qasem Soleimani
U.S. citizens working for oil companies in Basra leaving the country
The Pentagon – Airstrike aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans
Iranian Foreign Minister tagged killing of Iran’s top general as act of international terrorism
Police arrested Georgian citizens in Italy
Russia's First Channel and "Russia 24" shut down the button for Like and Comment on Putin's New Year's Eve address on YouTube
Pompeo Postpones Travel to Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Cyprus
Australia fires - Tens of thousands of people were evacuated
Pope Francis apologises after slapping woman's hand
Ilham Aliyev - Azerbaijan is not going to join the EU
Bus crush kills one in Çankırı Province
Ukraine and separatists exchanged prisoners
Ukraine and separatists to exchange prisoners
Mass stabbing at Rabbi's home in New York
Volodymyr Zelensky introduced a replacement bill on decentralization of power
Uruguay seizes record haul of cocaine
Foreigners living in Germany receive social aid in the amount of 13 billion Euros in 2019