Tag: World

U.S President announces new sanctions on Iran
U.S. President – America’s strength, both military and economic, is the best deterrent
NATO Chief condemns Iran’s attack on US base in Iraq
European Commission President calls for calm after Iranian attack on US forces
People of 7 different nationalities were killed in the Ukraine International Airlines crash in Iran 
Ukrainian Boeing plane crashes in Iran, 180 people dead 
Iranian Foreign Minister - Iran is not seeking escalation or war
Trump - All is well
Iran launches ballistic missiles against U.S. military and coalition forces in Iraq
CNN: US forces in Middle East on high alert for possible Iranian drone attacks
Vladimir Putin arrived in Syria
480 million animals are estimated dead in Australia’s fires
Iranian state TV - 35 killed in stampede at funeral for slain general
Finland to introduce a four-day working week
Russia and China blocked UN statement condemning attack on US embassy in Baghdad
US denies Iran's Foreign Minister a visa to attend UN Security Council
Donald Trump threatens Iraq with sanctions
Armenian police arrest suspected author of fake news
Iran leaves nuclear deal commitment
Anti-war protests in U.S. cities