Tag: World

17 cases of coronavirus infection reported in China
French police arrested 32 participants of Yellow Vest protest
Turkish troops arrive in Libya
Ukrainian President rejects PM's offer to quit
Lavrov - Georgian radicals' provocation had a negative impact on the process of normalizing bilateral relations
Zelensky requires law enforcement bodies to find those involved in the recording of audiotape
Prime Minister of Ukraine resigns
Nations of Iran crash victims demand compensation from Tehran
Donald Trump's Impeachment Trial Proceedings Have Begun
Putin spoke by phone to European Council President to discuss preparations for the Berlin conference 
Spanish Court sentences members of Georgian mafia to prison for robbery and extortion
Duma approves Mishustin as PM
US House of Representatives sent impeachment articles to the Senate
Russian President picks up new PM
Russian President proposed PM post in National Security Council
Russian government submits resignation
Armenian Prime Minister questioned over illegal wiretapped conversation
Iranian news anchors quit their jobs over the cover-up of Iran plane downing
Nikol Pashinyan was questioned
Military maneuver “Defender Europe 2020” starts in January