Tag: World

CEC registers 44 candidates in Ukraine's presidential election
Fire at training ground of Brazilian club Flamengo -- 10 dead
NATO, North Macedonia Sign 'Historic' Pact, Paving Skopje's Way To Membership
Macron declares April 24 commemoration day of Armenian genocide in France
World Health Organization recommends cannabis rescheduling
EU parliament recognizes Guaido as Venezuelan interim president
NATO to sign Accession Protocol with Macedonia on February 6
Top French court rules controversial rubber bullets launcher legal
Polar vortex death toll rises to 21 in US
Italy considering Afghan pullout within a year
EU urges internet giants to work harder fighting fake news
Sergey Lavrov – US violates norms of international law
President of Venezuela slams sanctions imposed by US
France, Germany and Spain 'ready to recognise' Venezuela’s Guaido if no elections called
French Oscar-winning composer Michel Legrand dies aged 86
George Soros - US and China are in a cold war that ‘threatens to turn into a hot one’
EU calls for early election in Venezuela
EU commissioner floats idea for European space force
Israel and Ukraine sign agreement for free trade
Romania reports 18 flu death