Tag: agriculture
Kazakh Agriculture Minister says his country plans to increase agricultural exports to Georgia
Kakheti processes 205,000 tons of grapes as of September 23
Agriculture Minister: Blueberry export expected to double
Gov't approves 2024-2027 action plan of 2021-2027 agriculture development strategy
Agriculture Minister meets EU Commissioner
Government starts state program to boost non-standard apple sales
Agriculture Minister, US Ambassador visit Genetics Lab
Georgian apple export increased 13 times compared to last year
PM: Despite crisis, government's anti-crisis plan aims at keeping people employed in agriculture
Georgian PM: Agriculture is able not only feed this country, but also have export potential
Debts for amelioration services will be completely written off to 42,000 farmers
Giorgi Gakharia: Uncultivated land should not remain in the country
Carl Hartzell: For development of Georgian agriculture, its important to export more Georgian products to EU market
PM thanks EU for assistance to Georgia