Vice PM meets Slovak gov't delegation
Vice PM meets Slovak gov't delegation

The First Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, Levan Davitashvili, met with members of a Slovak government delegation on a working visit to Georgia.

Held at the Ministry of Economy, the meeting included discussions with the head of the Slovak delegation, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Denisa Sakova, focusing on the current trade and economic relations.

Davitashvili highlighted the significant investments made by Slovakia in Georgia, particularly in the tourism and entertainment sectors.

“Since 2012, Slovak entities like Gino Holding and Exim Bank have invested over 100 million euros in these fields. The meeting also covered plans to expand cooperation to include energy, transport, and IT sectors,” the Minister said.

Additionally, an agreement was reached to restore the Economic Commission between Slovakia and Georgia, aiming to create a formal platform for implementing various economic projects more effectively.

On a two-day working visit to Georgia, the Slovak delegation included several high-ranking officials: Minister of Finance, Minister of Labor and Social Security, President of the National Bank of Slovakia and senior executives of Exim Bank.

The delegation also met with representatives from the Ministries of Finance and Health and the National Bank of Georgia. During their visit, the Slovak delegation attended a presentation of projects by Gino Holding, the largest Slovak investment project in Georgia.

The Slovak delegation reaffirmed their support for Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Davitashvili mentioned that discussions also covered the sharing of Slovak experience to aid Georgia’s faster and more efficient integration into the European Union.