US State Department releases statement about information released by Russian media about Lugar Center
The information released by the Russian media about Lugar Center in Tbilisi represents nonsense and propaganda – reads the statement of a representative of the US State Department published by US Embassy in Georgia.
“We’ve seen those reports in Russian media. They’re nonsense and typical of Russian misinformation and propaganda campaigns. I note that Georgia, with German support, has organized an international “peer review compliance exercise” of the Lugar Center to be conducted in November. The Russians have declined to participate.
For further inquiries into the Lugar Center’s actual mission or more information on the “peer review compliance exercise”, I would refer you to the Richard Lugar Center for Public Health Research in Tbilisi; I’m sure they would be happy to discuss the good work they do there,” the statement says.
The Russian Defense Ministry reported on October 4 that the US Lugar Laboratory was conducting experiments on people living in Georgia.