US President Biden sends letter to President Zourabichvili
US President Biden sends letter to President Zourabichvili

Georgia’s Presidential Administration has released a letter from U.S. President Joe Biden to President Salome Zourabichvili:

“Dear Madam President:

On behalf of the American people, I want to take this opportunity to recognize the spirit of the Georgian people as you mark the 16th anniversary of Russia’s invasion and subsequent occupation of one-fifth of your country.

On this occasion, we remember those killed, injured and displaced by Russia’s brutal invasion, as well as the Kremlin’s continuing efforts to increase its dominance over the occupied regions at the expense of the local population. The United States remains steadfast in its support of Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.

I would also like to recognize the clear will of the Georgian people as they continue to make their Euro-Atlantic aspirations heard. The United States applauds the people of Georgia’s unwavering commitment to a democratic future, where civil society plays an active role in articulating different views and opinions. I am disappointed by the Georgian government’s anti-democratic actions, exemplified by the Kremlin-style “foreign agents” law and the Georgian government officials’ false statements, which are inconsistent with EU and NATO membership norms. Despite these moves, we remain committed to the Georgian people and their Euro-Atlantic aspirations.

Throughout our 32-year bilateral relationship, Georgia and the United States have stood together in defense of peace, stability, freedom and human rights. These common values ​​unite our countries, and I know they will continue to unite our people for generations to come.”