US Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman resigns
US Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman resigns

U.S. Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman on Tuesday turned in his resignation letter to President Trump.

“American citizenship is a privilege and I believe the most basic responsibility in return is service to country,” Huntsman said in the letter. “To that end, I am honored by the trust you have placed in me as the United States ambassador to Russia during this historically difficult period in bilateral relations.

“It is my hope that this will allow sufficient time for a successor to be nominated and confirmed,” he continued. “I pledge my full effort in facilitating a smooth transition that ensures our foreign policy goals are kept in proper focus.”

Huntsman, a former Utah governor is planning to move back to Utah in the fall and is reportedly weighing another gubernatorial run, the Salt Lake Tribune reports.

The 59-year-old ambassador left his post as Utah’s governor in 2009 to become the U.S. ambassador to China. He has served as the ambassador to Russia since 2017. Huntsman’s resignation will take effect on October 3.