UPI - Nation of Georgia punches above its weight in COVID crisis and beyond
UPI - Nation of Georgia punches above its weight in COVID crisis and beyond

“Nation of Georgia punches above its weight in COVID crisis and beyond” is the headline of the article published by the United Press International (UPI) international news agency about how successfully Georgia is battling with COVID-19 pandemic.

“As the world battles soaring deaths and disruption due to the global pandemic, there’s a small country in the Black Sea region that has so far managed the crisis exceptionally well: Georgia. And it has done so with the help of its most important strategic ally, the United States,” reads the article.

Based on the article, Georgia’s success in fighting the pandemic is aided by reliable allies around the world and at the center of this coordination is the U.S.-funded Richard G. Lugar Center for Public Health Research, a world-class facility owned and operated by the Georgian government.

“With its ability to process hundreds of COVID-19 tests in under 24 hours, the center has become a major resource for research, results and best practices not just for the region but also for the United States,” author of the article writes.

The article reads that Georgia has an important ally and partner, the U.S. which should continue “to reciprocate goodwill from its Black Sea partner, providing security and economic development assistance and now, COVID-19 cooperation, given the country’s successes in fighting the pandemic. The need for dependable partners in this time of public health and geopolitical upheaval is now greater than ever.”

The author of the article is James C. Grant, energy, growth and security program manager at the International Tax and Investment Center, an independent, nonprofit research and education organization that promotes tax reform and public-private initiatives to improve the investment climate in transition and developing economies.