UNM's Bokuchava: Once gov't change, Georgia's EU accession talks begin, unlocking €14 billion fund
UNM's Bokuchava: Once gov't change, Georgia's EU accession talks begin, unlocking €14 billion fund

Tina Bokuchava, the opposition United National Movement chair, stated that once the government changes, negotiations on Georgia’s accession to the European Union begin.

She emphasized that this would unlock access to a 14-billion-euro fund for EU integration, which she claims is currently being blocked by Bidzina Ivanishvili’s Georgian Dream party.

Bokuchava made this statement alongside Giorgi Vashadze, one of the leaders of the Unity-National Movement, during an event titled – 14 Billion Euros for Georgia.

“Last year, thanks to the efforts of the Georgian people, Georgia earned the European Union candidate status. However, the Georgian Dream government wasted this opportunity and halted the European integration process, thereby freezing billions of euros in potential funding that could benefit every citizen of Georgia.

We will swiftly restart the integration process. Our plans include securing visa-free travel with the United States, attracting millions in investments from both the European Union and the U.S., and constructing the deep-water port of Lazika—an initiative originally envisioned by President Saakashvili, which Ivanishvili has blocked, hindering Georgia’s development.

We will also tap into the vast economic potential of the Middle Corridor project, another opportunity Ivanishvili has obstructed, putting Georgia at risk of international isolation.

The choice is clear: 14 billion euros for Georgia’s European future or blocked European support and billions stolen by Ivanishvili’s corrupt officials. I believe the Georgian people will reject isolation and poverty, voting for European prosperity on October 26,” Bokuchava stated.