UNM urges voters not to trust that GD settles relations with West if won elections
UNM urges voters not to trust that GD settles relations with West if won elections

“The statement of the Helsinki Commission is not only political but a judicial-based accusation, which would not have been voiced unless strong evidence,” said Petre Tsiskarishvili, Secretary General of the United National Movement (UNM) party.

Tsiskarishvili believes that explanations will follow and “everything stated is correct.”

“The Georgian society should conclude that this is the clearest signal of recent times that the country is ruled by a criminal syndicate,” he said.

According to Petre Tsiskarishvili, the ruling Georgian Dream (GD) party crossed the international red lines, and nobody will forgive that.

“Do not trust that the Georgian Dream would settle relations with the West after it wins the elections. This government crossed the political red lines many times, established autocracy, engaged in corruption, and made the country poorer. Now they crossed the international red lines, and nobody will forgive them.

Under this government, if we do not go to the West, we will not be able to maintain the previous state of relations, and, unfortunately, the situation will get worse. Therefore, on October 26, we must make a historic decision with our unity. This will be the last struggle of the people and democracy in Georgia,” he said.

“Georgian Dream relies on dark money from a network of scam call centres around the world to fund its operations and harass its opposition. State Department should crack down on these call centres that sponsor Georgian Dream’s antidemocratic campaign against the Georgian people,” the U.S. Helsinki Commission wrote on the X Platform on August 12.