UNM Political Secretary calls for liberation of ex-president from Putin's custody
UNM Political Secretary calls for liberation of ex-president from Putin's custody

“On October 26, we—together as the entire Georgian nation and the progressive majority—must liberate our country and Mikheil Saakashvili from Putin’s custody,” stated Giorgi Baramidze, the Political Secretary of the United National Movement (UNM) party.

Baramidze emphasized that this date will herald the release of all political prisoners in Georgia.

He joined Mikheil Saakashvili’s mother, Giuli Alasania, at the former president’s residence in Kvareli to present a book by Saakashvili to the members of the UNM office in Kakheti.

“We are confident that under Misha’s leadership after October 26, no traitors will remain in the government. Moreover, Misha will be inspired to write about the positive contributions of his team toward the peaceful unification of Georgia, as well as the country’s progress and its aspirations for EU and NATO membership,” he remarked.