UNM Chair: October 26 chance to say No to Poverty and Yes to European Welfare
UNM Chair: October 26 chance to say No to Poverty and Yes to European Welfare

“Due to Bidzina Ivanishvili’s (GD Honorary Chair) monopoly, prices are artificially increased in Georgia. People are forced to travel to Turkey for medicines and food products,” said Tina Bokuchava, Chair of the United National Movement (UNM) party.

The Unity-UNM Coalition representatives visited the Sarphi customs checkpoint and observed the queues of people and vehicles.

According to Tina Bokuchava, on October 26, Georgian citizens will make the correct choice between poverty and welfare.

“Every person we meet tells us that October 26 is a chance to say No to the poverty caused by Ivanishvili’s policy and gain welfare in Europe. This is the actual choice which everybody acknowledges and this is the change which we can bring only with unity.

The choice is clear – European prosperity or poverty in isolation. I am sure that on October 26, every Georgian citizen will make the right choice and say No to hardships that we see everywhere,” Bokuchava said.