UNM Chair: If Constitutional Court rejects to suspend Transparency Law, Georgian people will abolish it
UNM Chair: If Constitutional Court rejects to suspend Transparency Law, Georgian people will abolish it

“If the Constitutional Court does not decide to suspend the Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence, the Georgian people will abolish it on October 26,” said Tina Bokuchava, Chair of the United National Movement (UNM) party.

According to Tina Bokuchava, Georgian citizens protested against Russian Law when they organized large-scale rallies and said No to Russian Law and Yes to Europe.

“Now, it is upon the Constitutional Court and its Judges who have a clear choice, to stand with Georgian people or on guard of Ivanishvili’s interests, rescue Georgia’s European Perspective or bury it at Ivanishvili’s wish.

If the Constitutional Court does not decide to suspend the Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence, the Georgian people, with their choice in the elections, will abolish it on October 26.

I am sure that with unity we will choose prosperity in Europe and not poverty in isolation, although this historical choice can also be made by each judge of the Constitutional Court,” she said.

The Constitutional Court holds a regulatory session to address the lawsuits filed against the Transparency of Foreign Influence Law.