Unity-National Movement: We’re not aiming for second place; our goal is to defeat GD
Unity-National Movement: We’re not aiming for second place; our goal is to defeat GD


Gia Japaridze, a leader of the Unity-National Movement, asserted their commitment to victory in the upcoming elections, stating that their focus is on defeating the ruling Georgian Dream rather than settling for second place.

“We will present a winning list that will bring about the success we’ve long awaited,” Japaridze declared, expressing support for any efforts toward expanding and unifying the opposition.

“We have always advocated for a broad coalition among opposition parties, though it hasn’t materialized as we had hoped. Nevertheless, we are preparing for a coalition government following the defeat of Georgian Dream,” he stated.

When discussing the ruling party’s top 20 candidates on their election list, Japaridze expressed scepticism, asserting that they fail to address the nation’s pressing issues.

“I doubt these candidates can tackle unemployment, create jobs, attract foreign investment, or advance Georgia’s EU accession process. This top 20 is ill-equipped to confront today’s challenges,” Japaridze concluded.