Ukraine’s Prosecutor General says he is under "enormous pressure" over Saakashvili case
Ukraine’s Prosecutor General says he is under "enormous pressure" over Saakashvili case

Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko he was under pressure in relation to the criminal case launched against the leader of the “Movement of New Forces”, former Odesa governor and ex-president of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili, who is accused of assisting members of criminal organizations and concealing their criminal act, Lutsenko’s press secretary Larysa Sargan wrote on Facebook, quoting the prosecutor general as saying, – reports.

“I think that now the case is being ruined solely due to its politicization. Enormous pressure was imposed upon me throughout the past week to make me turn a blind eye to what Saakashvili, who is a stateless person, allows himself,” he said. At the same time, Lutsenko said that “a state that does not know how to defend itself against the plots by the FSB and Yanukovych gang is doomed to collapse.”

“I will defend my state, even if it is about Saakashvili, with whom I’ve been in rather warm relations for many years. He has crossed the red line. None of those who love Ukraine have the right to take Yanukovych’s money to overthrow our government,” he stressed.