U.S. Ambassador: Look forward to working with Georgian people, gov't to further enhance strategic partnership
U.S. Ambassador: Look forward to working with Georgian people, gov't to further enhance strategic partnership

The newly appointed U.S. Ambassador to Georgia, Robin Dunnigan, on Thursday, handed over copies of her credentials to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, Ilia Darchiashvili.

In her remark, Ambassador Dunnigan said the U.S. backs Georgia’s path to its Euro-Atlantic integration.

“I very much look forward to working with the people of Georgia and the government of Georgia to further enhance our long friendship and further strengthen our strategic partnership.

I know that the government and the people of Georgia want to further integrate with the EU, with NATO, and with the West, and the President, Secretary Bllinken, and I also support that path and we work very closely with Georgia and help to achieve that.

I also look forward to deepening our economic ties and our people-to-people ties which are so important.

I also want to thank Georgia for its strong support for Israel. I want to reiterate my President and Secretary Blinken’s condolences to the people of Israel.

The U.S. and Georgia stand together on this and we are deeply appreciative ” she asserted.