TI Georgia criticizes Anti-Corruption Bureau's decision
TI Georgia criticizes Anti-Corruption Bureau's decision

The non-governmental organization Transparency International Georgia has described the Anti-Corruption Bureau’s decision as groundless.

According to the organization, the bureau’s ruling appears to target the monitoring entity.

“Media reports indicate that the Anti-Corruption Bureau has categorized Transparency International Georgia and its executive director, Eka Gigauri, as having declared electoral goals, imposing the associated restrictions outlined in Chapter III of the Organic Law of Georgia on Political Unions of Citizens. However, neither the organization nor Eka Gigauri has received the official decision yet.

We assert that this decision lacks both factual and legal basis. Transparency International Georgia and Eka Gigauri have consistently supported Georgia’s European aspirations, as stated in all public pronouncements. This commitment aligns with the Georgian Constitution and reflects the views of the vast majority of the population. We operate within the bounds of the Constitution of Georgia.

We will await the formal presentation of the bureau’s decision and will take appropriate legal action afterwards,” stated Transparency International Georgia.

The Anti-Corruption Bureau has classified Transparency International Georgia, Choose Europe, along with its director and co-founders, as entities with electoral purposes, thereby triggering the restrictions outlined in the Citizens’ Political Associations law.