The "sovereign internet" law in Russia has come into force
The "sovereign internet" law in Russia has come into force
According to the BBC, the “sovereign internet” law in Russia has come into force. The Kremlin has said the law will improve cyber security, and users would not notice any change.
On the bases of the new law, any information on Russian websites should go through state-controlled check points, meaning that Russian Internet will be switch off from the worldwide web and the Kremlin’s control will increase over it.
The initiators of this law Andrei Klishas and Lyudmila Bokova said that the budget of the “sovereign internet” law is 1.8. million Rubles.
In March, thousands of people protested in the capital, Moscow, against the law. The opponents of the law said that it is the Kremlin’s attempt to tighten control and censorship.