Tbilisi Mayor speaks of simple choice between peace and development and agents and traitors at 2024 October elections
Tbilisi Mayor speaks of simple choice between peace and development and agents and traitors at 2024 October elections

“As for the upcoming polls, it will be a very difficult election. There are people ready to do everything, so maximum mobilization and attention is needed to hold the elections at a high level,” Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze told the media when asked about the assassination attempt against US candidate President Donald Trump in the context of upcoming parliamentary elections, which the Georgian opposition anticipates as difficult.

According to the Tbilisi Mayor, the public will make an easy and correct choice in the parliamentary elections keeping in mind the mentioned factors.

“As for the attack, what we saw is a complete disaster. During the election campaign, there was an attempt to assassinate the presidential candidate, the former president. It is a very tough fact. As for our elections, we know what power we are dealing with and who these people are, what they represent. It can be said directly that all filth and evil can be captured. Everything is very simple. First, we have traitors and agents in the country, in the full meaning of this word, which is controlled by foreign forces, directly. Whatever they are instructed to do, even if it is against the country, they have no problem at all, they are the doers of everything and the completers of everything.

These people are in favour of having a second war front in the country. We remember the statements made by the non-governmental sector, saying “We would rather have bombs falling in the country” than hear the Prime Minister’s statement. Imagine what type and worldview of people we are dealing with. Therefore, society, we, all sane people will make the right choice. Today, the easiest choice is to be made. On one side there is peace, tranquillity, economic development of the country, progress, reconstruction and development, on the other side there are agents, traitors, enemies of the country and evil, violent people”, said Kakha Kaladze.