Supportive statements on Georgia at 43rd session of Human Rights Council
Supportive statements on Georgia at 43rd session of Human Rights Council

Supporting statements were made towards Georgia by European Union, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, France, Great Britain and Greece at the 43rd session of Human Rights Council in Geneva. 

According to the Georgian Foreign Ministry (MFA), the delegations welcomed Georgia’s close cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights regarding the progress made in the country in that area.

MFA said the above-mentioned countries expressed concern over the dire humanitarian and human rights situation in Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region of Georgia in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, the delegations condemned the continuation of the erection of the wires and artificial barriers along the occupation line.

Particular attention was paid to the restrictions imposed on freedom of movement amid pandemic including several facts when occupation regime refused an emergency medical evacuation of the citizens.

As MFA noted the speakers called on the Russian Federation to respect international law and provide unconditional access to the human rights treaty bodies in occupied regions of Georgia.