Strategy Agmashenebeli's Vashadze discusses Western backing for Georgia's EU aspirations after meetings in Britain, Norway
Strategy Agmashenebeli's Vashadze discusses Western backing for Georgia's EU aspirations after meetings in Britain, Norway

“The high-ranking politicians are closely monitoring the situation in Georgia and stand in solidarity with the demonstrators, who are fighting for Georgia’s European aspirations,” Giorgi Vashadze, the leader of Strategy Agmashenebeli, stated.

During recent high-level meetings in Britain and Norway, Vashadze highlighted unprecedented support for Georgia’s pro-Western ambitions from these countries.

“It is truly unprecedented when representatives of this rank from our friendly countries meet with opposition leaders. This indicates support for pro-Western aspirations in Britain, Norway, or any other country. The mass public protest and the unprecedented number of rallies returned Georgia to the top agenda in Western countries. The media of the whole world, British, American, and European, are discussing the current events in Georgia. Consequently, the highest-ranking politicians follow the current events in Georgia and express their full support to the people participating in the protest, to those Georgian patriots who are fighting for Georgia’s European aspirations, for the final de-Russification of Georgia, which is our task,” he stated.

Vashadze also mentioned his discussions with the British Foreign Minister concerning sanctions.

“Britain is going to debate. They must consider this issue. Why? Because the choice of the Georgian people is clear to them, as expressed through protests and rallies. On the other hand, it is obvious that the Georgian Dream has declared a cold war on Western partners and European integration in Georgia,” Vashadze declared.

He stressed the significance of the upcoming October 26 elections, describing it as a decisive day for Georgia’s future.