State Minister's Office issues statement on 16th anniversary of 2008 Russian-Georgian war
State Minister's Office issues statement on 16th anniversary of 2008 Russian-Georgian war

“In gross violation of the basic principles of international law and the cease-fire agreement of August 12, 2008, Russia continues to occupy the regions of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali and to expand the creation of a military, political, and socio-economic space to strengthen illegal control on the ground,” the Office of the State Minister of Reconciliation and Civil Equality of Georgia stated.

The statement highlights that the occupation regime continues illegal actions directed against the reconciliation process to further isolate the occupied regions and the local population from the rest of Georgia.

“Sixteen years ago, as a result of large-scale military aggression against Georgia, the Russian Federation illegally occupied Georgia’s indivisible territories of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions. The Office of the State Minister of Reconciliation and Civil Equality of Georgia pays tribute to the memory of the heroes, fighters, and civilians who died in the Russian-Georgian war of August 2008, honoring their fight for the independence and territorial integrity of Georgia, and expresses its condolences to their families, relatives, and all of Georgia.

In gross violation of the basic principles of international law and the cease-fire agreement of August 12, 2008, Russia continues to occupy the regions of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali and to expand the creation of a military, political, and socio-economic space to strengthen illegal control on the ground. The fundamental rights of the local population are grossly and systematically violated, including ethnic discrimination, the erection of barbed wire and other artificial barriers along dividing lines, strict restrictions on free movement, illegal detentions, banning education in the native language, and limiting access to property and livelihoods. As a result of several waves of ethnic cleansing, hundreds of thousands of refugees and internally displaced persons are still unable to return to their homes in safety and dignity.

Additionally, the occupation regime continues illegal actions against the reconciliation process and growing ties between people, aiming to further isolate the occupied regions and the local population from the rest of Georgia. The European Union Monitoring Mission is still not permitted to fully fulfill its mandate and carry out monitoring in the occupied regions,” the statement said.

The Office of the State Minister declares that the Georgian government using all the levers at its disposal and in coordinated, intensive cooperation with international partners, will continue to make maximum efforts to deal with the heavy consequences of the occupation.

“The illegal occupation of Georgia’s territories and the so-called ‘borderization’ have resulted in the loss of many lives, including that of Tamaz Ginturi, a resident of Kirbali village in Gori municipality, who was killed by the occupation forces in the fall of 2023. The individuals responsible for these acts, as well as for the deaths of other Georgian citizens such as Davit Basharuli, Giga Otkhozoria, Archil Tatunashvili, and Irakli Kvaratskhelia, remain unpunished.

The Georgian government, in close cooperation with international partners, is making every effort to address the severe consequences of the occupation. Based on decisions by international courts, the Russian Federation is held fully responsible for the situation in the regions of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali, including the illegal actions conducted there. Despite the challenging legal, security, and socio-economic situation in the occupied regions, the primary objective of the Georgian government is to seek a peaceful resolution to the conflict. The government is committed to pursuing a policy of reconciliation and engagement, alongside efforts to de-occupy the regions, with the aim of fostering dialogue, cooperation, and trust-building among the divided society and conflict-affected individuals.

The government prioritizes the welfare and dignity of the population, striving to provide them with better prospects, particularly within the context of Georgia’s European integration process. To achieve these goals, the Georgian government maintains a status-neutral and humanitarian approach,” the statement said.

The Office of the State Minister sincerely appreciates the unwavering support of the international community and the consistent efforts to strengthen the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia within its internationally recognized borders.

“The role of international partners in the process of peaceful resolution of the conflict, including reconciliation and trust-building, is also highly valued,” the statement said.