Speaker: Wisdom of Georgian people and government to rescue Georgia
Speaker: Wisdom of Georgian people and government to rescue Georgia

“The main concern is not to choose the European path but how to pass this way. We should pave the path so that not to sacrifice our independence and identity, not to put the state and our people on the verge of destruction,” said Georgian Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili at the GD party’s regional pre-election meeting in Ozurgeti, Guria region.

According to the Speaker, the Georgian people and the government know what to do.

“Our goal is, amid the conflict of global political forces, to drive our country to the dock of peace and prosperity without destruction and damage. Everyone, who is against this is Georgia’s enemy, both inside and outside the country.

For the last two years, we have seen, intentionally or unintentionally, how Georgia was forced to engage in a devastating war, how, all of a sudden, they forgot the strategic patience policy towards Russia, which they recommended and demanded an unjustified, argument lacking and destructive military-political escalation from our government,” said Papuashvili.

The Speaker said a state which stood firm economically and politically was “welcomed by any civilized community.”

“The country, which stands next to its partners in international missions, a united country, which respects its friends and knows its value – we are building such a country. The opposition fights against this. Only this rescued Georgia in the last years’ chaos and war, and it was the wisdom of the Georgian people and their government, which made decisions independently and based on national interests.

Now the country’s independence and national interests are at risk. Therefore, October 26 will be the second referendum of independence,” the Speaker said.