Speaker says relevant services monitor Georgia's security risks
Speaker says relevant services monitor Georgia's security risks

“Our security services monitor what they view as security risks for Georgia. Everybody gets convinced that no security risks have been realized,” said Georgian Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili.

The Speaker was asked to remark on the Russian organization Freedom for Peace, which holds a forum in Tbilisi and where it will demand the restoration of strategic relations between Russia and Georgia.

According to the Speaker, he had not heard about the event but claimed that de-occupation was the precondition to restoring relations with Russia.

“There are different groups with different ideas and viewpoints. Our security services monitor what they may view as security risks for Georgia. Everybody gets convinced that no security risks have been realized in this challenging environment where we live. It is their merit that all possible destructive activities are under control.

I have no information about this specific event. As for relations with Russia, it is known what the preconditions are. It is de-occupation for Georgia,” he said.