Speaker questions opposition's demand for parliamentary mandate amid non-attendance
Speaker questions opposition's demand for parliamentary mandate amid non-attendance

“The opposition is seeking a pre-election mandate to operate in an institution they refuse to attend, which raises questions about the logic behind their request,” Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia Shalva Papuashvili stated during today’s Bureau session.

Papuashvili noted that letters from opposition parties and members have been submitted to Parliament, indicating their refusal to participate in the session.

“We have received notifications of non-attendance. Specifically, they claim that, for the sake of a ‘national and democratic state,’ they will not participate in today’s session. The National Movement, along with Grigol Vashadze, Tamar Kordzaia, and Tamar Charkviani, will all be absent. The Citizens Party and Davit Bakradze will also miss the session, as will Armaz Akhvlediani. The Eurooptimists have likewise opted not to participate. Essentially, the opposition is largely absent. Yet, they are asking for a mandate to work in an institution they do not engage with. This presents a puzzling contradiction,” concluded Shalva Papuashvili.