Speaker praises Olympians for proving "country's size doesn’t diminish sports achievements"
Speaker praises Olympians for proving "country's size doesn’t diminish sports achievements"

The Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia, Shalva Papuashvili, congratulated the Olympians on their success during a speech at the welcoming ceremony for the Georgian Olympic team at the Palace of State Ceremonies.

According to Papuashvili, the Georgian Olympic team achieved an impressive 24th place among 206 participating nations, which he regarded as a significant accomplishment.

“We are gathered here on a special day to honour our Olympic team. Just weeks ago, when we convened, I remarked that our Olympic team’s motto resonated more strongly than it did during the previous Olympics. Who could have anticipated that this would mark the best results in our history? The excitement that echoed through our country, from bustling cities to quaint villages, was a symphony of cheers, nerves, shouts, and eventually, the triumphant noise of victory that filled every home. It is your outstanding achievements that have united both men and women, connecting people from villages to cities and from district to district, all rallying to support you.

I would extend my heartfelt congratulations to the medal winners. As the Prime Minister noted, each medalist played a crucial role in this collective victory, particularly our two-time and three-time Olympic champions, who have brought immense joy to our hearts. You have shown that the size of a nation does not limit its potential for sports accomplishments. Our Olympic team secured 24th place out of 206 teams. When considering our population, we rank seventh globally. This underscores the remarkable talent that our nation possesses in sports and emphasizes the critical importance of state and national support for our athletes.

Achievements like these are not accidental; they are the culmination of consistent efforts across multiple Olympics, culminating in our historic success – an outcome of united efforts from the government and the populace, young and old, all cheering on our athletes and contributing to our victory.

These accomplishments are not only your personal triumphs but also represent a national victory, a source of pride for every Georgian.

I am honoured to welcome you today, both as a fan and on behalf of the Parliament, and to express our gratitude for your outstanding results. Once again, congratulations!

I also want to extend my thanks to your coaches, medical staff, and everyone involved who has worked relentlessly behind the scenes. We have seen, heard, and read many stories about the immense dedication that has gone into all of this.

I would like to express special appreciation to your families, many of whom we have met during this time and who have dedicated their lives to your careers, sharing in your success and celebrating with us today.

Many thanks to each member of the team. I would particularly like to commend Mrs. Nino Salukvadze, a distinguished member of our Olympic team, who has represented us in ten Olympiads, exemplifying perseverance and excellence for all athletes in our country and beyond.

I am also grateful to the Olympic Committee. This achievement is a collective credit. Best of luck in your upcoming competitions. For those who did not secure the highest award this time, you remain champions in our hearts, and you will undoubtedly claim gold medals in various arenas in the future. The entire nation stands by you as your ardent supporters. Once again, thank you, and congratulations on this tremendous success,” stated Shalva Papuashvili.